Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Al Jolson - Avalon

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Ev'ry morning mem'ries stray
Across the sea where flying fishes play
And as the night is falling
I find that I'm recalling
That blissful all enthralling day

I found my love in Avalon
Beside the bay
I left my love in Avalon and sail'd away
I dream of her and Avalon
From dusk 'til dawn
And so I think I'll travel on
To Avalon

Just before I sail'd away
She said the word I long'd to hear her say
I tenderly caress'd her
Close to my heart I press'd her
Upon that golden yesterday

I found my love in Avalon
Beside the bay
I left my love in Avalon and sail'd away
I dream of her and Avalon
From dusk 'til dawn
And so I think I'll travel on
To Avalon
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