Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Amy Grant - Baby Baby

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Baby Baby
I'm taken with the notion
To love you with the sweetest of devotion

Baby, baby
My tender love will flow from
The bluest sky to the deepest ocean

Stop for a minute
Baby I'm so glad you're mine, oh yeah
You're mine

Baby, baby
The stars are shining for you
And just like me I'm sure that they adore you

Baby, baby
Go walking through the forest
The birds above are singing you a chorus

Stop for a minute
Baby they're so glad you're mine, oh yeah

And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no getting over you

Baby, baby
In any kind of weather
I'm here for you always and forever

Baby, baby
No muscle man could sever
My love for you is true and it will never

Stop for a minute
Baby I'm so glad you're mine

And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no getting over you

And ever since the day you put my heart in motion
Baby I realize that there's just no getting over you
Over you
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