Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Annie Lennox - Missionary Man

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Well, I was born an original sinner,
I was born from original sin.

And if I had a dollar bill
for all the things I've done,

there'd be a mountain of money
piled up to my chin, hey!

My mother told me good,
my mother told me strong.

She said, "Be true to yourself,
and you can't go wrong.

But there's just one thing
that you must understand:

you can fool with your brother,
but don't mess with a missionary man,

don't mess with a missionary man,
don't mess with a missionary man,
don't mess with a missionary man."

Oh, the missionary man,
he's got God on his side.

He's got the saints and apostles
backing up from behind.

Blackeyed looks from those Bible Books.
He's a man with a mission, got a serious mind.

There was a woman in the jungle,
and a monkey on a tree.

The missionary man,
he was following me.

He said, "Stop what you're doin',
get down upon your knees.

I've a message for you
that you better believe,
believe, believe, believe,

believe, believe, believe, believe,
believe, believe, believe, believe,

believe, believe, believe, believe,
believe, believe, believe, believe,
believe, believe…"

Well, I was born an original sinner,
I was born from original sin.

And if I had a dollar bill
for all the things I've done,

there'd be a mountain of money,
money, money, money, money, money,

money, money, money, money,
money, money, money, money…

Don't mess with a missionary man,
missionary man, missionary man,
missionary man.

Don't mess with a missionary man,
missionary man.
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