Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Atlanta Rhythm Section - Spooky

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

It's early in the evening
and everything is getting kind of groovy

I call you up and ask you
if you'd like to go with me to see a movie

First you say no that you have plans for the night

And then you stop and say all right

Love is kind of crazy
with a spooky little girl like you

You always keep me guessing
I never seem to know what you are thinking

And if a fellow looks at you
it's a sure your little eye will be a winking

I get confused 'cause I don't know where I stand

And then you smile and hold my hand

Love is kinda crazy
with a spooky little girl like you (SPOOKY)

If you decided some day
to stop this little game that you are playing

I'm gonna tell you all
the things my heart's been dying to be saying

Just like a ghost you've been 'a haunting my dreams
So I'll propose on Halloween

'Cause love is kinda crazy
with a spooky little girl like you (SPOOKY)
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