Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Boston - Smokin'

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

We're gonna play you a song,
A little bit of rock 'n' roll.
You gotta let yourself go,
The band's gonna take control.
We're getting down today.
We'll pick you up and take you away.
Get down tonight.

We're cooking tonight,
Just keep on toking!
I feel alright, mama,
I'm not joking.

Get your feet to the floor,
Everybody rock 'n' roll.
You got nothing to lose,
'S just the rhythm and blues, that's all.
We're gonna feel O.K.
We'll pick you up and take you away.
Get down tonight.

We're cooking tonight,
Just keep on toking!
I feel alright, mama,
I'm not joking.

Everybody jumping,
Dancing to the boogie tonight.
Clap your hands, move your feet,
If you don't you know it won't seem right.
We're getting down today.
We'll pick you up and take you away.
Get down tonight.

We're getting down today.
We'll pick you up and take you away.
Get down tonight.
Well alright!
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