Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Canned Heat - Going Up The Country

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

I'm going up the country
baby don't you want to go
I'm going up the country

baby don't you want to go
I'm going to someplace
where I've never been before

I'm going I'm going
where the water tastes like wine
I'm going where the water

tastes like wine
We can jump in the water
and stay drunk all the time

I'm gonna leave this city
Got to get away
I'm gonna leave this city

Got to get away
All this fussing and fighting man
you know I sure can't stay

Now baby pack and leave your trunk
We've got to leave today
Just exactly where we're going

I can not say
But we might even leave the U. S. A.
Because there's a brand new game

that I want to play

No use you running
or screaming and crying
Cos' you've got a home as

long as I've got mine
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