Karaoke Music / Chansons English-2 / Chelsia Chan - One Summer Night

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

One summer night the stars were shining bright
One summer dream made with fancy whims
That summer night my whole world tumbled down
I could have died if not for you
Each time I think of you my heart would cry for you
The joy and love from you
Since I was born
Each night I'd pray for you
My heart would wish for you
You've filled my life for me

Set me free like a sparrow up the tree
Give a sign so I would ease my mind
Just say the word and I'll come running wild
Give me a chance to live again
Each time I think of you
My heart would cry for you
The joy and love from you
Since I was born
Each night I'd pray for you
My heart would wish for you
You've filled my life for me

One summer night the stars were shining bright
One summer dream made with fancy whims
That summer night the whole world tumbled down
I could have died if not for you
Each time I think of you
My heart would cry for you
The joy and love from you
Since I was born
Each night I'd pray for you
My heart would wish for you
You've filled my life for me
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