Karaoke Music / Chansons English-3 / Gloria Estefan - Hear My Voice

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Paroles de chanson incluses dans le fichier MIDI .kar

Take me only for what I am.
You've got a right to speak your name.
You've gotta take a stand.

No one has a right to say.
This is right or that is wrong.
It isn't just one way.

Find common ground.
Go in between.
Things arn't always what they seem.

Someday it'll be alright.
Changes happen over night.

People, lets give each other room.
If we're gonna work things out.
We better make it soon.

Love is love is such a common word.
When it's pride we mistake for love.
Isn't that absurd.

Why always take.
The upper hand.
It's better to understand.

Someday it'll be alright.
Changes happen over night.

Someday it'll be alright.
Changes happen over night.

I believe in love with no conditions.
And giving in sometimes.
Doesn't make it submission.

Hate is so common
it's almost tradition.

Come on lets leave it behind.
And make that transition.
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