Karaoke Music / Songs in English-3 / Jekyll & Hyde Musical - No One Knows Who I Am
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Lyrics from the MIDI .kar music file
Look at me and tell me who I am,
Why I am what I am.
Call me a fool and it's true I am.
I don't know who I am.
It's such a shame,
I'm such a sham.
No one knows who I am.
Once there were sweet possibilities
I could see, just for me.
Now all my dreams are just memories,
Fated never to be.
Time's not a friend,
Hurrying by.
I wonder who am I?
Am I the face of the future?
Am I the face of the past?
Am I the one who must finish last?
Look at me and tell me who I am,
Why I am what I am.
Will I survive?
Who will give a damn
If no one knows who I am?
Nobody knows,
Not even you.
No one knows who I am.